Chartered Surveyors, Minerals, Planning & Environmental Consultants
Telephone: +44 01630 698035

Newton-On-Trent Outline Planning Application

Halletec has played a key role in preparing an outline planning application for a major new garden village extension of up to 325 houses in western Lincolnshire. The proposed low density development includes public open space, a new ‘Community Hub plus new employment space all with the overriding objective of enhancing the sustainability of the existing village. The housing designs will aim to complement the existing style of this rural Trent Valley Lincolnshire village.  The project is aiming to achieve a BREEAM Communities Excellent/Outstanding rating and a summary of the proposal can be seen in downloadable leaflet here.

Halletec’s primary role has been to assess the economic viability of the project together with the Economic and Employment Opportunities that are to be created. In addition we have assisted with various other elements of the application including the draft planning conditions, S106 Agreement and the BREEAM Communities accreditation.

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