Chartered Surveyors, Minerals, Planning & Environmental Consultants
Telephone: +44 01630 698035

Valuation & Expert Witness


Halletec Environmental employ RICS Registered Valuers and are able to undertake valuations of quarries, mines, mineral assets  for sale, lease, rating, taxation, asset transfer, rent and royalty review, loan security etc.

Valuations are also undertaken for compensation in respect of loss of planning rights, compulsory purchase and mineral sterilisation under the Mining Code advice.

Where appropriate, valuations are undertaken in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Valuation – Global Standards also known as “the Red Book”.

Expert Witness

Halletec Environmental are also experienced in acting as expert witness in relation to our core areas of expertise such as minerals, planning, minerals valuation, compensation etc.